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If I had created Wizards vs Aliens, things would be a lot different, for example there would be some new cast, characters, species and elements:
Tommy Knight as Danny Clarke - Tom's twin brother, son of Michael and Helen, grandson of Ursula and Simeon and boyfriend of Julia.
Yasmin Paige as Princess Julia Brightstar - The princess of the Elves who is Danny's, daughter of King Ulrich and sister of Aldrin.
Callum Turner as Prince Aldrin Brightstar - The Prince of the Elves who is the son of King Ulrich and brother of Julia.
Adrian Rawlins as King Ulrich Brightstar - The King of the Elves who is the father of Julia and Aldrin. He is reluctant to let his daughter date Danny due to him being human as he's worried his death from old age will destroy Julia.
Ross Noble as Slybo - A Goblin who serves King Ulrich as a butler. Randall Moon has a dislike of him due to some unpleasant business which happened between them during the Neverside Wars.
David Tennant as Yorlin - An alien wizard who crashes on Earth after escaping the Neckross, becomes a friend and ally to the Clarkes.
New Aliens:
Zailiens - A race of lizardmen who have a culture based upon war and military doctrine.
Squidtrons - A race of tentacled squid like aliens who wear helmets with water in them in order to survive.
Cybs - A race of humanoid cyborgs.
Neverside Natives:
Neverside Witches
Neverside Druids
Neverside Knights
Wizards can only use 10 spells a day.
Time in the Neverside moves the same rate as on Earth, any unenchanted who visits simply stops aging.
I'm just thinking out loud here but, does anyone think the magic extractors draining and rapid aging of wizards who fall victim to it can be undone?
If Series 4 happens or if it had happened, and it's never impossible for the show to return, what should happen? We know Jazz James would have become a regular character but apart from that anything is possible.
What I think should happen:
A new species of aliens begin to threaten the Earth. They don't eat magic but are extremely powerful. They become the main enemy for Series 4 as Tom has to find a way to save the world. Maybe the Prospector could come back.
Tom, Michael and Ursula go to another planet. It would be so cool to see the Nekross homeworld of Nekron . Or another alien planet. I think leaving the Earth for some stories would be really cool.
New evil wizards. Even though it's Wizards vs Aliens it would be cool to see some more evil wizards, like Warlock.
Benny should come back. At least for the finale or something.
Tell me what you guys think should happen.
Would anyone else of loved a season 4 i remember watching this when i was little im rewatching it now it was such an amazing series
Since I'm sure but can't confirm that part of Russell's inspiration for Wizards vs. Aliens came from a failed Doctor Who crossover with Harry Potter (Link 1, Link 2), I'm curious as to how you think J.K.Rowling's Wizarding World would fare in a war with the Neckross aliens.
There's no right or wrong answer here - just your opinion.
Hi, Ive only just recently found Wizards vs. Aliens on Netflix and Im so impressed by this show! Im on to season 3 right now and Im already worried lol, its so obvious they changed the actor that played Varg. Im also disappointed that it seems we wont get to follow along with Lexi/Lucy and Benny Jr.