Wizards vs Aliens Wiki
Wizards vs Aliens Wiki
Wizards vs Aliens Wiki
General Information
Homeworld Neverside
Series Information
First Appearance The Secret of Room 12

Banshees are magical, fairy-like creatures of the Neverside who are known for making a deafening din with their woeful wailing. They can be weakened, however, by loud noises and contained in pots.


When trapped in the Neverside, Tom Clarke warned Lexi of the indigenous Banshees. The Thirteenth Floor

A Banshee accidently escaped the Chamber of Crowe when Randal Moon was cleaning it, however Tom managed to capture it in a dustbin. The Secret of Room 12

Randal Moon revealed that Banshees are known for making a deafening din with their woeful wailing and they can be weakened by loud noises and contained in pots. Randal Moon's Creatures of the Neverside

