Wizards vs Aliens Wiki
Wizards vs Aliens Wiki
Wizards vs Aliens Wiki

"Now that's magic."

Jackson Hawke, Rebel Magic

Jackson Hawke is a cool, confident and powerful teenage wizard, who dabbled in dangerous, forbidden Grim Magic. He befriended Tom Clarke and convinced him to join him in his practice of Grim Magic, but he eventually realised that such addictive power came with a price.


Jackson was born sometime in 1995 to wizards Julia and John. One Christmas Julia and John got into an argument with Jackson over a school letter he hid, and this caused him to lose control of his magic and cast a banishing spell on his parents, making them vanish. After this incident Jackson left school and got used to living on his own without anyone to tell him what to do. Rebel Magic

A few years later, Jackson ran into Varg and some Nekross Guards on a bridge. Unthreatened by the Nekross, Jackson casts a banishing charm, sending them to Egypt. The next day, he met Tom Clarke after saving him from a group of muggers. Although initially cold, he was impressed when he learnt Tom escaped the Nekross too. Jackson tried to convince Tom that having Magic meant that they could do anything they wanted, and this caused a strain between Tom and his friend Benny Sherwood, who thought Tom performing Grim Magic was wrong. After another encounter with Varg, Jackson used a hypnosis spell on Benny to make him fall in a trance and think it was morning.

The three boys are then taken to the Zarantulus, where Jackson reveals to everyone what happened to his parents and prepares to shoot the Nekross King, but Tom convinces him not to. Jackson then uses his magic to take him, Tom and Benny back to Earth causing him to pass out. He is last seen leaving Tom's house saying that he needs to find his parents, and then takes the Christmas star from his pocket and casts a Teleporting spell, causing him to fade away. Rebel Magic


Jackson is cool, calm and charismatic with a sharp wit and the devil's glint in his eye. However his attractive, carefree exterior hides the guilt he carries after banishing his parents. Jackson is shown to have a ruthless streak, as seen when he was willing to let Varg disintegrate Benny and, later, when he prepared to shoot the Nekross King. However, Tom eventually makes Jackson realise the importance of friends and family and he helps save them.


  • Jackson is the second wizard in the series to have two magical parents.

