- 100 Wizards
- 31st October
- Abigail Stewart
- Adam Knoff
- Adam Young
- Adams
- Adjoa Andoh
- Alex Childs
- Alicia Ferguson
- All Out War!
- Amber Mountains
- Andy Rush
- Annette Badland
- BBC Wales Graphics
- Banshee
- Battery pack
- Behind the Magic
- Behind the Magic with Annette Badland
- Behind the Magic with Chris Johnson
- Behind the Magic with Dan Starkey
- Behind the Magic with Michael Higgs
- Behind the Magic with Percelle Ascott
- Behind the Magic with Scott Haran
- Benny's Shed
- Benny Jr
- Benny Sherwood
- Benny the Brain
- Beryl Richards
- Bethan Jones
- Betroo Bugs
- Bisme Jacana
- Blackberry Theatre
- Blaster Bot
- Bogle
- Brantleberry juice
- Brian Blessed
- Brian Herring
- Brian Miller
- Brian Minchin
- Burnt Hill Stone Circle
- Cammy
- Capacitor
- Caractacus Crowe
- Card Battler
- Catromeister Quatrozeen
- Chamber of Crowe
- Cherie Lunghi
- Chipo Jacana
- Chloe Martin
- Chuk Iwuji
- Claire Cage
- Clarence
- Clarke house
- Clayton Hickman
- Connor Scarlett
- Contest of Devourment
- Cyril Nri
- Dan Starkey
- Dan Watts
- Daniel O'Hara
- Dawn of the Nekross
- Dazzle Cannon
- Debby Jones
- Demon
- Derek Ritchie
- Devious Dangers
- Dominique Webbe
- Don Gilet
- Doorway of Long Shadows
- Dragon
- Dragon of Moonfall Pass
- Earth
- Eelix
- Egg of Brimstone
- Electromagnetic Pulse Cannon
- Elf sparkle
- Elizabeth Hatcher
- Emma
- Endless Night
- Entity
- Eva Starling
- Extractor
- Eye of Bashtarr
- Eye of Questoroth
- Facewarp
- Faerie
- Fairy-Witch Love Spell
- Fall of the Nekross
- Fighting Snakes Nebula
- Football
- Form filter
- Friend or Foe
- Gareth Roberts
- Gemma Raven
- Georgina Leonidas
- Ghoul
- Gilbert Lord
- Gnome
- Goblin
- Grantabor dust
- Grazlax
- Grazlax Attacks
- Grazlaxicon III
- Great Britain
- Griff Rowland
- Griffin feather
- Grim Magic
- Ground shell of Grub Beetle
- Gwendoline Christie
- Hannah Wells
- Harry Lawtey
- Helen Clarke
- Helen Clarke (clone)
- Hex TV
- Himalayas
- Hobbledehoy
- Hobgoblin
- Holli Dempsey
- House of Thraal-Nekron
- Huldra
- Human
- Humanity
- Ilan Galkoff
- Infrasonic Generator
- Jackson Hawke
- Jathro
- Jaye Griffiths
- Jazz James
- Jefferson Hall
- Jennifer Hennessy
- Jessica Plummer
- Jessie Cave
- Jo Martin
- Jodie Prenger
- John Hawke
- Joseph Jacana
- Joseph Lidster
- Joshua Herdman
- Josie Lawrence
- Joss Agnew
- Julia Hawke
- Julie Dixon
- Junix Inocian
- Katie Lord
- King's Park High
- Kooth
- Kristian Phillips
- Krobol Galaxy
- Lee Haven Jones
- Lemshar
- Leprechaun
- Lewis Macleod
- Lexi
- Light Chamber
- Light chamber
- Light emitter
- Line of Twilight
- List of episodes
- Lloyd Blanville
- Loogovian sea-cow
- Lucy / Lexi
- Lyzera
- Madeline Raven
- Magic
- Magic Mayhem
- Magical Line of Crowe
- Magical Line of France
- Magical Line of Jacana
- Magical Line of Raven
- Magical Line of Swann
- Magnifying lens
- Manpreet Bambra
- Mark Everest
- Mark France
- Matthew Best
- Meena
- Meg
- Menla-Gto
- Mervyn
- Michael Clarke
- Michael Higgs
- Minty
- Miranda Fisher
- Mirror of Enchantment
- Miss Webster
- Moose
- Mother Wizard
- Mr Fisher
- Mrs Meeks
- Mrs Veraswamy
- Nathaniel Nightjar
- Nekron
- Nekross
- Nekross Guard
- Nekross King
- Nekross King Transmission
- Nekross Video Log
- Nekross blaster
- Never-way
- Neverside
- Neverside Wars
- Neverside Witch
- Neverwas
- Nicki Coles
- Nikki Wilson
- Nina Sosanya
- Nneka Okoye
- Ogre
- Old Bethesta
- Pale Shadow
- Passing Charm
- Paul Davies
- Paul Hunter
- Paul Murphy
- Paul Putner
- Percelle Ascott
- Peru
- Peter Bennett
- Phantom Galaxy
- Phil Ford
- Phoenix
- Phoenix ash
- Power dial
- Prospector's Species
- Psyke Games
- Puzzle Peril
- Quilsalisk barbs
- Quinn Christopher
- Randal Moon
- Randal Moon's Creatures of the Neverside
- Randal Moon the Hobgoblin
- Rebel Magic
- Refractor
- Richard Sherwood
- Ring of Healing
- Robert France
- Roschad
- Rose Canton
- Rosie Cavaliero
- Russell T Davies
- Ruthie Henshall
- Sam Watts
- Sandar the Slayer
- Sandra Scott
- Sara Stewart
- Sasha Hails
- Satyr
- Scott Haran
- Scrying Mirror
- Seeta Indrani
- Series 1
- Series 2
- Series 3
- Setting switches
- Shaniah Williams
- Sherwood Intelligence
- Sherwood house
- Shrouding Spell
- Sienna Kelly
- Simeon Swann
- Simona Brown
- Skorpulus
- Sliver Woods House
- Slivers of amber
- Snow Lion
- Soundtrack
- Squiggley
- Staff of Crowe
- Stag
- Stephanie Gaunt
- Steve
- Stickley
- Stonescript
- Sunstone
- Tamsin Kuthu
- Terence Maynard
- The Archmage of Sirius 12
- The Cave of Menla-Gto
- The Consolidation
- The Curse of Crowe
- The Daughters of Stone
- The Devastation
- The Eye of Bashtarr
- The Key of Bones
- The Last Day
- The Prospector
- The Quantum Effect
- The Quest Master
- The Secret of Room 12
- The Source
- The Thirteenth Floor
- Tim Rose
- Tom's Urgent Message
- Tom Bell
- Tom Cam - Secret Footage
- Tom Clarke
- Tracker Bot
- Tracker Bug
- Transformer
- Trevor Cooper
- Tricia Sherwood
- Trigger
- Triumphant Tidings
- Troll
- Troll spit
- Tseringma
- Twilight Falls
- Tychran
- Unenchanted
- Unicorn
- Ursula Crowe
- Vampire
- Varg
- Varg's Vidcast
- Vathallion
- Vice Versa
- Victoria Wicks
- Vincent Brimble
- Voolox
- Warlock
- Wisher wood
- Wizard
- Wizard Wipeout
- Wizardkind
- Wizards Warning
- Wizards vs Aliens
- Wizards vs Aliens Annual 2014
- Wizards vs Aliens Wiki
- Wizards vs Aliens online petition in order to seize the hiatus and to encourage the creation of a 4th series
- Wraith
- Wyvern House
- Yeti
- Zanti Scale Contamination
- Zarantulus
- Zeta-Graal
- Zeyton particle
- Zienia Merton