Wizards vs Aliens Wiki
Wizards vs Aliens Wiki
Wizards vs Aliens Wiki
The Source
General Information
Homeworld Earth
Type Diamond
Series Information
First Appearance All Out War!

"Blessed be the Source."

Ursula Crowe, All Out War!

The Source is so called for being the Source of all Magic. The Source is located in Peru in the form of a diamond. But, it is actually unknown what its true form is as Varg placed a diamond with a bomb in Peru and doused it with raw magic from the core of the extractor. He then used a Voolox to control Bisme into tricking Tom and his friend to get the charm and of course blowing up the house.


It is actually unknown what its true form is as Varg placed a diamond with a bomb in Peru and doused it with raw magic from the core of the extractor. He then used a Voolox to control Bisme Jacana into tricking Tom and his friend to get the charm and of course blowing up the house. Crud.
